How to change crosshair type and color!Very useful for long range type players!

Heres a video tutorial on how to change crosshair type and color!enjoy!

All credits to "OHRproduction" who made this video!

Awit4ever’s Guide bout P90

Introduction: The P90 Gun Is mostly seen In Counter Strike used by Bots. Also it’s one of the Rarest Guns in CF. It Sports an Ammo of 50/100, largest amongst gp guns. I bought this for the Lulz and I ended loving the gun more than my qbz and M12s.

Low Damage (hitting around 20 damage thru chest)
Low Accuracy
Unpredictable Spray pattern
Loud Sound when you Shoot
Slow Reload
Can deliver light tap at the back at long range

Large Magazine
Nice Sound
Nice Looks
Good at cqc
Headshot Magnet

Darn, it’s Soo Good, I never bothered getting supply Crates. With its Large Magazine, it’s good for running away and cornering mutants*. You can Camp with it, rush with it and also Kill Steal**** with it. I killed 3 Zombies in one round with it.

Advisable Maps: Death Trap(Excavation), Estate(Headquarters), Historical Site(Tranquility) and Zombie Port

Escape Mode:
Not Advisable with breaking Gates and Stuff, yet. This gun delivers a punch. Good for guarding windows and escape points, just try to hide and get as close as possible with this gun

Advisable Maps: Headquarters, Temple Of Ruins

This gun is not so good with it, DM is almost composed entirely of “Hide and Seek”. And it’s so loud than it’s like yelling “hit me I’m easy target” making your teammates facepalm due to the Fact that you’re too loud. Advisable with cqc maps with spots where you can appear/disappear** when an enemy is near. Also, Avoid crowded Teamates, you could be the cause of your mass massacre. When you kill one with it, consider your Opponent as a Newbie or just Plain Noob.

Advisable Maps: Mexico and other cqc maps

If you can’t kill with it. Then practice more with it on ZM. Chances of you being kicked are 10% with this gun. Ghost will realize “don’t kick him, his damage were too low that he’s Tickling us” and thus, they’ll pity on your hardwork on pwning them . If your trying to become a Pro, then use it.(I’m not forcing you to use it, don’t blame me if you can’t kill with that gun, M12s and Veresk*** is always available)

Advisable Maps: Laboratory, historical Sites

Never tried this Sh*t because of cheaters. I guess it same as playing “L4D”. Noise attracts the horde, same with Players. My Advice, Kill Steal**** whenever as Possible.

Advisable Maps: Any ffa maps, except Blackwidow

Unleash the beast in you with the P90!! Pull out neat triple kills and chain-head-Shot your way to Stardom. Sporting a monstrous magazine and neat Sound Effects, you’ll become a God and you’ll never be called M12gay or VereskGay.******

Advisable Maps: Maps where you can surprise your enemy, especially Cebu City, Factory and Egypt.

Go buy it. Don’t Follow the Majority of cf players who buy Veresk and M12s***. The sound and Large Mag is enough to force you to buy eet. It’s Insanely cheap***** So you should buy it.

**Nope, I’m not referring to Box Glitch
***Effen gay, too common and easy to use
*****it costs only 25,000 GP, same with MP5(Win) and Anaconda(Fail For Noobs, Win For Pros)
******Extreme Advertising

More CrossFire tactics! Ghost Mode and DM

Crossfire tips and tricks:

-ghosts breathe very loud and other players can hear it when nearby them.

-using mp3 headphones while playing a ghost mode can allow you to hear a ghost's breathing more clearly and allow you to have a general sense of direction in where the breathing is coming from.

-ghosts do not become completely invisible right when they stop moving, it takes about .5-1 second delay to become completely invisible after you stop moving.

-you can jump on to some boxes and other objects that would normally be inaccessible by crouch jumping (jumping and then crouching in mid air)

-when planting a bomb in search and destroy, place the bomb in a wide open area, so it is easier to shoot anyone who tries to defuse it.

-when planting a bomb in ghost mode, try to plant it somewhere enclosed but still a bit open so you have room to run. also try to place it somewhere where you can easily run in and out of cover as to cause a lot of confusion without the dangers of being wide open all the time.

-the two windows that open onto the very big b site balcony window, that overlooks all of b site, on hakenreuz can easily be accessed from the balcony area. if you jump onto the boxes below them, then jump on the small sign post under the left window (left if you are looking at the windows from the outside) then jump on to the small ledge right outside the window. you can then go to either side of the ledge and wait for unsuspecting ghosts. you can also get into the windows by running into them and then crouching, just trying to run through them will not work.

-on laboratory in b site, you can access the v.w.a. vent in the back of b site. all you have to do is jump on tho the metal ring around the top of b site right in front of the vent. next you have to crouch then press the space bar to jump as you walk towards the vent. if you do this right, you can easily access the v.w.a. vent from both sides. (this is a good trick for a ghost trying to attack someone trying to hide in there).

-(don't send me a suggestion to include the T.D. Ship trick that gets you into the enemy base, i know how to do it, it would just take way too long to explain. i might create a video showing how to do it, but im not explaining it in words).

-when you can hear a ghost planting the bomb in the a site of hakenreuz, try shooting around the sewer opening behind the glowing machine in the middle. this is where ghosts normally plant the bomb.

-in laboratory, to get on the pipes in the underground tunnel, you just crouch jump on to them. the best place to camp on the pipes is the corner of the tunnel that leads to b site.

-to quick stab with a knife, without hacking, instead of clicking the left mouse button quickly to do a slice then a stab, just click it at a steady pace, slower than normal and you should be able to just slice over and over. this is somewhat harder in tenser situations because of your immediate reaction to click the stab button as fast as possible when you are in danger.

-you can jump on to certain lamp posts in hakenreuz in the GR spawn area that will give you and excellent vantage point of the area around you.

-when attacking an unsuspecting passerby in ghost mode, try to attack them on their left side. most right handed people will automatically turn in a clockwise circle. this gives you some extra time to get at least one more stab in.

-when an enemy is farther away, try to use short bursts of fire to dispatch him, other than trying to be an * and unload your clip on them, hoping that at most 10% of the bullets fired made contact with their target.

Click Positive and Give me some honor!
